How to Create a Cozy Bedtime Routine for Your Little One

How to Create a Cozy Bedtime Routine for Your Little One

Establishing a cozy bedtime routine is not only about ensuring your baby’s comfort for a good night’s sleep; it’s also an opportunity to create cherished moments to bond together. From scheduling sweet dreams to choosing the coziest sleepwear — these tips will help you prepare for a serene bedtime routine for both you and your little one.


Familiarizing yourself with sleep cues

As a new parent, dealing with sleep deprivation can be a common and often recurring challenge. By getting to know your baby’s body language and the common sleep cues to look out for at bedtime, you can feel better prepared to support your baby through sleepless nights. Look for signs like eye rubbing, yawning, fussiness, distant stares or trouble focusing. These small movements could be indicating that your little one is ready for some much-needed rest.

Recognizing these signs not only aids in soothing your baby into a peaceful slumber but also enhances the understanding of your baby's communication through movement.

Warming up with bubbles and bath time

Bath time serves as a great starting point for a calming bedtime routine for your baby. The warm water will calm your potentially overtired baby, while also signaling that it's almost time for some Zs. Introducing a bath into a bedtime routine is especially helpful around the 2-4 month mark, when babies start recognizing and embracing their regular routines.

The calming feeling after a bath is the result of a process called vasodilation. A warm bath will trigger vasodilation, widening blood vessels and promoting heat dissipation from the body's core to the skin. This process regulates your baby’s body temperature and induces relaxation, ultimately facilitating better sleep.

And of course, bath time is also your golden opportunity to bond with your baby — play with their favourite toys, serenade them with a calming lullaby, and savour those precious, soapy moments together.

Creating a serene sleep environment

After bath time, it’s time to get snug and ready for bed! Creating a peaceful sleep environment is essential for a restful night’s sleep. Some things to consider for your baby’s sleep time surroundings include white noise machines, soft lighting, breathable bedding material, and of course, comfortable sleepwear. Let’s dive deeper!

White noise

Being intentional with calming sounds can help you set the tone for a relaxing, safe space to get your baby ready for bed. White noise machines can be a great option for this as they mimic the sounds your baby hears while in the womb. Turning on your white noise machine (at a volume lower than 50 decibels) will signal to your baby that it's time for sleep, especially if it's a regular part of their routine. The continuous sound will also help drown out loud or abrupt noises in the background that would disturb your baby’s slumber.


Lighting plays a crucial role in your baby's bedtime routine, both leading up to sleep and during the night. Before bedtime, it's essential to avoid harsh or bright lights, as they can disrupt your baby's natural circadian rhythm. Opting for softer lighting, such as a gently illuminated lamp or amber/red lights, can help protect your baby's melatonin production as bedtime approaches.

When it's time for your baby to sleep, we recommend using blackout curtains to create a dark and conducive sleep environment. These curtains block out external light, signaling to your baby's body that it's time to rest and helping prevent early awakenings, especially during the bright summer months.

And last but definitely not least — let’s talk about cozy sleepwear!

Getting cozy in comfortable sleepwear

When shopping for sleepwear for your baby, it’s important to consider the types of fabric, breathability, and safety features of the design. Choosing the right sleepwear will not only contribute to your baby's comfort throughout the night but will also determine both you and your little one’s quality of sleep. Some things to keep in mind are TOG (Thermal Overall Grade) ratings to determine how much warmth the fabric will provide, two-way zippers for convenience in changing and flammability, and allergen ratings to ensure your baby’s safety.

Sunday Littles Sleep Bag in Checkerboard

We recommend our Bamboo Viscose Sleep Bags — a wearable blanket made to help babies fall asleep (and stay asleep) comfortably and safely, all night long. We chose to use a breathable bamboo fabric for our Sleep Bags to help keep your little ones warm while preventing them from waking in the middle of the night from overheating. The fabric's antimicrobial and hypo-allergenic properties also make the Sleep Bags a safe and comfortable choice for all skin types and sensitivities.

Practicing consistency and flexibility

When your baby isn’t getting a good night's sleep, neither are you. That's why establishing a consistent routine for both you and your baby is crucial. The repetitiveness of a bedtime routine creates a steady habit that not only provides security, but will set a foundation for years to come.

And while consistency is key, it's also important to allow for flexibility to accommodate for your baby's evolving needs and circumstances. Babies can be unpredictable, and factors such as travel, illness, or developmental milestones can intensify this unpredictability. 

That’s why being adaptable will ensure that your baby's sleep routine remains manageable and effective in different circumstances and ages.

By incorporating these steps and tailoring them to your baby's unique needs, you can create a comforting and soothing bedtime ritual that both promotes a healthy sleep pattern and strengthens the growing bond between you and your baby.

Sweet dreams, little ones!

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